Tuesday, 28 August 2012

1981 and 1983 Alumni Sponsors 4 children - St.Johns Church High School

Mr.G.Sailesh , Mr.S R K Raju 1981 outgoing batch and Mr.Vanaparthi Suresh 1983 outgoing batch, St.Johns Church High School, have come forward to take care of the fees of four needy Children Studying in our school.
 Mr.Sailesh has taken care of the fees of Master Anish studying in Class 3rd. Mr.Sailesh, despite his busy schedule has taken time to come and personally visit our school and meet the students.

Mr.S R K Raju has contributed for three children : Master Dinesh – UKG and Master Yousuf – 1st Class and part fees of Master Yasir.

Mr.Vanaparthi Suresh 1983 out going batch has come forward to take care of the fees of Master Venkatachalam. Mr.Suresh stays in Bangalore and frequently visits hyderbad and incidentally on 17th August was his fathers birthday and in his memory he visited our school and paid the fees personally. Unforunately I could not meet him but later spoke to him.

Mrs.Mallama mother of Mrs.Prameela has come forward to take care of the balance fees of Master Yasir- 2nd Class. Both these ladies are not connected to our school but have come forward to help these children. My Sincere thanks and appreciation to Mrs.Sailaja for taking this initiative and bringing these two ladies.
(Photograph of Ms.Usha Sagar, Principal, Mr.Sailesh, Mrs.Mallama, Mrs.Prameela and recipient students enclosed )
The fees paid by Mr.Sailesh , Mr.Raju, Mr.Suresh and Mrs. Mallamma will take care of the fees from Aug 2012 to May 2013.

The principal, Staff and the students were very happy and have expressed their gratitude to Mr.Sailesh , Mr.Raju, Mr.Suresh and Mrs.Mallamma. Unfortunately Mr.Raju was not present for the occasion and his mother also could not come due to personal reasons.

I would like to thank Mr.P V Rao ( Gunju) for his initiative and coordination in connecting Mr.Sailesh and Mr.Raju.

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mr.Sailesh , Mr.Raju, Mr.Suresh and Mrs.Mallama for coming forward and supporting in the noble cause of facilitating the education of needy children.

I am sure this goodness spreads and help some more children who are in need.

Sanjay Ram

Thursday, 9 August 2012

1983 Alumni Sponsors One More Child -Goodness Unlimited !!!

Mr.Ramsubban 1983 outgoing batch, St.Johns Church High School, residing in UK has sent a cheque towards the fees of a needy Child Studying in our school.

Mr. Ramsubban’s father Mr. Sankaran personally handed over the CHQ to Ms.Usha Sagar, Principal.

The details of the recipient student:
Ms.Manasa studying in Class 6th Class.
Her Father expired; Mother is working as a Cook.
The fees paid by Mr.Ramsubban will take care of her fees from Aug 2012 to May 2013.
The Child had tears and she cried when she heard that her fee is taken care. It was a very touching moment.

The principal, Staff and Ms.Manasa were very happy and have expressed their gratitude to Mr.Ramsubban and Mr.Sankaran
(Photograph of Ms.Usha Sagar, Principal and Ms.Manasa and Mr.Sankaran enclosed)

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mr.Ramsubban for coming forward and supporting in the noble cause of facilitating the education of the needy children.

I am sure this goodness spreads and help some more children who are in need.

Sanjay Ram

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Amazing !! Goodness Unlimited !!

Amazing ! People who are not connected to St.Johns Church High School have 
 come forward to help the  children who need financial assistance in our school.

Goodness unlimited!!

 Mrs.Sailaja has come forward to sponsor the fees of one child Master Abdullah , studying in Class 8th. Bright student , Always in top 5 ranks and likes Cricket. Abdullah’s father is dead and mother is on sick bed.She has come personally, met the child, talked to him and handed over the money. 
      Mrs.Sailaja is wife of Mr.Surendranath Reddy. Mr.Suredranath is a lecturer in Ramiah Institute in Hyderabad. Ramiah is famous for IIT Coaching .
Mrs.Usha , Principal , Master Abdullah and Mrs.Sailaja          
            Mrs.Manjulata has sponsored the fees of Ms.Esha Kujur studying in Class 4th A. Mrs.Sujatha has bought the fees on behalf of Mrs.Manjulata and paid the fees. Esha Kujur’s father is dead and mother is working as a sales woman in a mall.
      Mrs.Manjulata is wife of Dr.Mahendrath Reddy a Leading Pediatrician in Hyderabad.
Mrs.Usha , Principal, Ms.Esha Kujar ,  and Mrs.Sailaja
The fees paid by them will take care of  fees from Aug 2012 to May 2013.

My heartfelt thanks appreciation to Mr and Mrs.Surendranath Reddy and Mr and Mrs.Mahendrnath Reddy  for coming forward and supporting for this noble cause.

My special thanks to Mrs.Shailaja for the initiative.

Sanjay Ram

Friday, 3 August 2012

Update on St.Johns School - Sponsoring Needy Students fees

Dear Friends

I am happy to inform you all that Mr.P.Ajay, 1988 out going batch, Currently living in New Jersey has sent the first CHQ of Rs.8800.00 towards the fees of the underprivileged Children Studying in St.Johns Church High School, Secunderabad.
The details of the recipient student :
Ms.Asreen studying in Class 9th B .
Exceptionally bright student , Always in the top 3 ranks , Very enthusiastic, smiling and heading some school clubs.
Her Father expired , Mother is very sick. She has a brother studying in Class 7th in the same school.
All the teachers have contributed and paid the last two months fees of this child.
Now this fees paid by Mr.Ajay will take care of her fees from Aug 2012 to May 2013.

Mr.P.Krishna Mohan 1985 outgoing batch  residing in New Jersey has sent a cheque towards the fees of a needy Child Studying in St.Johns Church High School, Secunderabad.  Mr. Krishna Mohan's father Mr.P.S.Siva personally handed over the CHQ to Ms.Usha Sagar, Principal.
Incidentally it was Mr. Krishna Mohan’s Birthday on 1st Aug 2012 and I wish him a very happy birthday and a prosperous and exciting life ahead.
Mrs.Usha Principal, Ms.Nikita Gujar(recipient student) and staff  conveyed their birthday greetings to Mr. Krishna Mohan
The details of the recipient student:
Ms.Nikita Gujar studying in Class 6th Class.
Exceptionally bright student, Always in the top 5 ranks.
Her Father expired; Mother is working in a shop as a Sales Woman. She has a Sister studying in Class 4th in the same school.
The fees paid by Mr.Krishna Mohan will take care of her fees from Aug 2012 to May 2013.
The Child felt very happy when she heard that her fee is taken care. Mr. Siva motivated the child to concentrate on her studies and perform still better.

The principal, Staff and Ms.Asreen and Ms.Nikita were very happy and have expressed their gratitude to Mr.Ajay and Mr.Krishna Mohan
(Photograph of Ms.Usha Sagar, Principal, Ms.Asreen and Ms.Nikita and Mr.P.S.Siva enclosed)

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mr.Ajay and Mr.Krishna Mohan for coming forward and supporting in the noble cause of facilitating the education of the needy children.
I am sure this goodness spreads and help some more children who are in need.
Once again wishing Mr.Krishna Mohan a very happy birthday.

Sanjay Ram

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Recent Visit to our St.Johns Church High School

Dear Friends,
I had the opportunity of visiting our School recently to conduct a health awareness programme on TB and Leprosy on behalf of Indian Development Foundation (IDF). www.idf.org.in
I am the social ambassador for IDF in AP.

I met the principal Ms.Usha Sagar, the teachers, staff and some students.
Heard Mr.Yesupadam is not keeping good health. I am also told that his daughter is working in our school as a teacher.
I went around the campus and took some photographs.

TT Tables 

Friends, The current strength of the school is approx 450 students (including primary and high school). Maybe due to the competition from the new concept schools and corporate schools this low strength is possible.
But apart from the local competition Ms.Usha expressed that the school needs books for library, sports equipments, and some good computers.
Our school is helping around 20 kids who are from underprivileged families – These kids are not able to pay the fees, buy books etc. The Church is giving a concession in fees and for this year they have bought the books. Now the management is looking for some good Samaritans who can fund these children’s fees for the rest of the year (Aug 2012 – May 2013).
Ms.Usha also expressed that some Alumni groups have organized some get together in our Parish hall in the past (do u all remember the hall?). They also promised to do something for the school but ……..

The Class rooms ,ground , parish hall , the tree in the ground ( now it is 55 years old) , the cement blocks wherein we used to have our quick lunch and then play TT on them, the water tank … Our childhood memories… WOW.
As Alumnus can we all come together and help our School?
1. If we can raise Fund for the education of these underprivileged children. Cost of each child fees for the period is approx Rs.8000 – 8800/ depending on class.
2. Our school was famous for Cricket and we have some good cricketers from our school - can we donate some sports equipment?
3. Donate books to library.
4. Alumni who are successful in their respective fields can come down and address the children – this can be a big confidence boost to the children.

Nine tenths of education is encouragement. Any amount of service makes an impact in ways that we can’t even imagine.
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
We often think of doing good!
Why postpone goodness in life?

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Women Empowerment Program Launch Hyderabad 18th June 2012

 Indian Development Foundation in collaboration with Dr.LG Swayam Shakti Project (LGSSP) in Hayat Nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh launched the first      
    women empowerment programme on 18-06-2012
IDF team Dr.Narayan Iyer, Mr. Samuel Vincent, Mr. Sanjay Ram and Mr. P. V. Rao - were present for the inauguration.

In CSS NAM School we from IDF are running a Bal Gurukul. All the children in this school are from the nearby slums which has a large population of Lambadi tribes. Current strength of this school is 400. These ladies from the slums are not educated and do not have any skill. But they are showing lot of interest to learn and earn for their family and children.                               
This project is for the women from rural and urban poor women working in the informal sector and also for mothers of these children of our Bal Gurukul who after leaving the child in school are just working as casual laborers ( if and when they get – not regularly). 
This project would train these ladies in tailoring and make them self reliant. The tailoring course is for 3 months. After the training they are given a job work so that they can earn from the same project. We have donated 8 sewing machines, 2 heavy duty machines for taking up job works and  one specialized machine so that they can train at least 10 women in each batch and can run min 4- 5 batches in a day so that they can train minimum 50 women in 3 months. The building for this project is donated by Dr.Laxmi Ganga from USA. This training can continue throughout. Already 60 women are enrolled for this programme.

Dr. Vijayalakshmi and Mrs. Janaki and Mrs.Prameela from CSS NAM thanked IDF team for the wonderful support.
Empower women - Empower family - Empower nation!!!
We from V R Research Executive Search Pvt Ltd are happy to be associated with IDF in the noble cause of empowering women by contributing our small bit by identifying the need and bridging the gap with the support of IDF and CSS in this noble cause.
We would like to thank IDF, LGSSP for giving us this opportunity and also all our well wishers and friends who have gathered to make this event memorable.

Monday, 4 June 2012

World Environment Day June 2012 Tree Plantation Programme

On the Occasion of World Environment Day 2012 a tree plantation programme was jointly organized by Indian Development Foundation & Standard Chartered Bank at Centre for Social Service, Hayatnagar,  RR District, Hyderabad on 2nd June 2012.

 INDIAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (IDF) is a leading national voluntary organization committed to the Health, Education and Development of our people. Indian Development Foundation is the new name for Indian Leprosy Foundation (ILEF) which has been rendering remarkable humanitarian service in the field of leprosy for over two decades.

CSS is a voluntary, not for profit, non-governmental organization, promoted by academicians and philanthropists who share a common concern for the down trodden and under privileged young girls of our society.

      The theme for the year 2012 “GREEN ECONOMY" .

Different Varieties of saplings were planted by the children of CSS and the committee members , employees of Standard Chartered Bank , Indian Development foundation members and our friends and colleagues who came along with their families. It was a wonderful experience for all to get involved in this programme.



V R Research Executive Search Pvt Ltd is happy to be associated with IDF in the noble cause of  protecting environment by contributing our small bit in identifying the area which badly needs trees, planning and executing and mobilising all resources and help for the success of the programme.
We would like to thank IDF , SCB and CSS for giving us this opportunity and also all our well wishers and friends who have gathered to make this event memorable.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Monday, 7 May 2012

INNOVATION and Not EFFICIENCY - Key source of Competitive Advantage.

Efficiency and productivity have become necessary-but-not-sufficient conditions of success. If they are the basis of your approach to work, then your options – and rewards – are going to be severely limited.
So if your approach to work is based on ‘personal productivity’, you risk falling into the trap of Personal Taylorism. You’re becoming more efficient at the risk of losing your creative spark and your competitive edge, and you’ve already lost the efficiency game, anyway. The more concerned we become over the things we can’t control, the less we will do with the things we can control.

Under Taylorism, a manager could not only tell a worker to stoke a furnace, or fix a bolt,  to close a sale or type a business letter, but could arrange the task and show the worker exactly how to do it for maximum efficiency. In the early twentieth century, Taylorism was widely adopted and became one of the key mechanisms in production but nowadays Taylorism is a historical curiosity, usually cited as an example of What Not To Do when managing human beings. 

Coach John Wooden said, "Never mistake activity for achievement." These words of wisdom are nowhere more appropriate than in the wide-open world of marketing, which offers endless forms of activity that result in questionable achievement. Now a days people in position expect people to follow and perform a task/job as they expect and they think it as an achievement.  Rather they should generate enthusiasm and stimulate the team in finding the best way rather than having their own way.
Efficiency is no longer the name of the game. Innovation is now the key source of competitive advantage.

John Wooden was a three-time All-American while playing basketball at Purdue University. He is the only man ever elected to college basketball’s hall of fame as both player and coach.
As a coach of UCLA’s basketball team he produced ten national championship teams in twelve years. Seven of those national championships came in a row. (1964, 1965, 1972 – 1973, 1975).

Frederick Winslow Taylor was ‘the father of scientific management’ – a system for managing human work by developing standard methods for performing each task on the production line. Procedures were designed for maximum efficiency and workers were trained to stick to them, rigidly. Hierarchy and authority were used to maintain control.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Welcome to the 'Stock Market' - A Parable

Once upon a time in a village, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs 10. The
villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching
The man bought thousands at Rs 10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort.
He further announced that he would now buy at Rs20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and
they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms.
The offer rate increased to Rs 25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even
see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at Rs 50!
However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the
man has collected. I will sell them to you at Rs 35 and when the man returns from the city, you can
sell it to him for Rs 50.
" The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys.
Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!
Welcome to the 'Stock Market'

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Desire is the starting point of all achievement.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
Desire is the starting point of all achievement.
Need and struggle are what excite and inspire us. Without a struggle, there can be no progress
The progress to future depends on what we do in the present and Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Thus Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail”.
"If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.
Remember success nor  failure is ever final.  
Like what you do. If you don't like it, do something else.
Lastly What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals.